Referrals and Admissions

KS3 Group Admission Criteria, students from Year 7 to 9

Students in this group attend from 9am-11.15am, 5 days a week and complete a total of 11 hours and 15 mins a week, 100% attendance is expected.
We focus on English, Maths, Science, and PSHE.  We also offer a varied wider curriculum to ensure students have an equity of offer with their mainstream peers. 

  • Referrals to St Peter’s Centre can only be made via a mainstream secondary school within Surrey. 
  • Students must be in roll at a mainstream school.  
  • Any referral must have a medical focus and be of the nature that there is a reason this cannot be supported in school. Students can be referred at any time of the year however, all intervention and school support should be exhausted and there should be a clear plan about what the goal is for the young person. E.g. a reintegration back into mainstream.
  • We require medical evidence by a CAMHS Psychiatrist, Paediatric Consultant or a Developmental Paediatrician that states or outlines that the medical need is significant enough to warrant our provision.
  • We ask that students are given the opportunity to build up time in home schools as time goes by to practice skills learnt at St Peter’s Centre back in the home school setting.
  • We do not take referrals for additional needs such as ASD as this is not a medical focus.
  • A referral should not be made simply because a student has additional needs and cannot cope in mainstream or since a specialist placement cannot be found.
  • We ask that home schools stay in good contact with students, assuring they are safe and learning and have an open-door policy so that visits can be made. As we do not have a SENCO on site, this responsibility remains with the home school.

KS4 Group Admission Criteria

If the admissions panel believe the student meets the criteria for a place, students will start at the end of Year 10 and will remain for the whole of Year 11.
Students in this group attend from 12pm-3:15pm, 5 days a week and complete a total of 16 hours and 15 mins per week, and 100% attendance is expected. We focus on GCSE English, Maths, Science, and PSHE/RSE.

  • Referrals to St Peter’s Centre can only be made via a mainstream secondary school within Surrey
  • Any referral must have a medical focus and be of the nature that there is a reason this cannot be supported in Mainstream.
  • A referral will signal that all intervention and attempts to accommodate the student in mainstream school have been unsuccessful.
  • Any referral must have a medical focus and be of the nature that there is a reason this cannot be supported in school. 
  • We take referrals for Year 11 in the Spring term of the academic year prior to referral (Year 10). Referrals should be made if it is deemed unlikely that the medical condition will improve any time soon and the referring school is planning ahead.
  • Schools must refer students for this group by the end of the Spring term
  • We require medical evidence by a CAMHS Psychiatrist, Paediatric Consultant or a Developmental Paediatrician that states or outlines that the medical need is significant enough to warrant our provision
  • We do not take referrals for additional needs such as ASD as this is not a medical focus.
  • A referral should not be made simply because a student has additional needs and cannot cope in mainstream or since a specialist placement cannot be found.
  • We ask that schools stay in good contact with students, assuring they are safe and learning and have an open-door policy so that visits can be made. As we do not have a SENCO on site, this responsibility remains with the home school.

To access support from St Peter’s Centre the referring school is required to complete the below link to our initial enquiry form. Once this has been reviewed our Pastoral Manager will make contact to discuss the referral and will provide a link to a more comprehensive referral form if we feel the student meets our admissions criteria and we can meet their needs.

Upon receipt of the referral form the student is presented to an Admissions Panel. The panel is made up of current staff. Students are offered a place according to the time of referral as well as the ability of the referral to meet the criteria above. Due to limited places students may be placed on a waitlist and will be contacted when a suitable place becomes available.

Initial Referral Enquiry Form